Tuesday, February 16, 2010

# 63 Watch 100 new movies

1. Year one
2. Wanted
3. Miss March
4. Iron Man
5. Casper Scare School
6. Air Bud
7. Baby On Board
8. Wedding Daze
9. Bolt
10. Fantastic 4

55. Watch every movie we own at least once (13/?)

1. Band of Brothers (2001)
2. Changeling (2008)
3. Eagle Eye (2008)
4. Flash of Genius (2008)
5. Iron Man (2008)
6. Jumper (2008)
7. Miss March (2009)
8. Transformers (2007)
9. Wanted (2008)
10. Ratatouille (2007)
11. Fantastic Four (2007)
12. Ice Age(2002)
13. Krunks New Groove

53. Read 35 Books (10/35)
1. Five People You Meet In Heaven (208 pages)
Completed January 4th 2010.

2. Six Months to Live (136 pages)
Completed January 14th 2010.

3. Plainsong (320 pages)
Completed January 14th 2010

4. Sloppy Firsts (280 pages)
Completed January 21st 2010

5. The Legacy (183 pages)
Completed January 24st 2010

6. Secrets of the Morning (405 pages)
Completed January 31st 2010

7. A Bend In The Road (352 pages)
Completed February 5th 2010

8. Girl in the shadows ( 416 pages)
Completed February 6th 2010

9. The Rescue (352 pages)
Completed February 15th 2010

10. The Bad Beginning (The Series of Unfortunate Events) (162 pages)
Completed February 16th, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

# 63 Watch 100 new movies

  1. Year one
  2. Wanted
  3. Miss March
  4. Iron Man
  5. Casper Scare School
  6. Air Bud
  7. Baby On Board
  8. Wedding Daze

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'll be able to add another movie onto my watch 100 new movies. Sometime this week I hope to watch Bolt with Z. Hopefully he'll be good so that we can!!

I'm still working on his blanket but I got kind of bored with it so I took a little break!! I started working on Crocheting (sp?) a blanket. I was just doing it to keep busy but I'm liking it so far, I think I'm going to use all the scrap yarn that I have left over from all of the blankets I've made and make a blanket for Tyronne!! =)

Thats about it for updates I suppose!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

# 63 Watch 100 new movies

  1. Year one
  2. Wanted
  3. Miss March
  4. Iron Man
  5. Casper Scare School
  6. Air Bud
  7. Baby On Board
  8. Tooth Fairy

Friday, February 5, 2010

# 2, I got quite a bit done tonight... I think I got about 40 rows done. It's getting there. I think if I do 100 more rows I should be good, but I'll see how it looks... I'm going to run out of yarn though before I get this one part done, so I'll have to go see if I can find anymore!!

# 55 These are the movies that we own that I've watched so far!! =) These are all great movies, Miss March isn't one of my favorites but Ty told me it was good!


  1.  Band of Brothers (2001)
  2. Changeling (2008)
  3. Eagle Eye (2008)
  4. Flash of Genius (2008)
  5. Iron Man (2008)
  6. Jumper (2008)
  7. Miss March (2009)
  8. Transformers (2007)
  9. Wanted (2008)
  10. Ratatouille (2007)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

In Progress

# 2, I got about 20 rows done tonight. I still have quite a bit left to do!! Ugh it's so frustrating because all my other blankets didn't take this long but then again I worked on them more....

# 10 I've been able to read to him every night, he's been doing good about going to bed without fussing when I tell him it's time. He's also been able to read a book to me! =) I can't wait till his dad comes home so he can show him!!

# 12& 43  He's doing great, I've been able to get him out atleast once a week to meet other kids. We went to the hands on museum with a few other wives and their kids, then I went to McDonalds with some other wives and their kids. So he's getting out and socializing and he's loving it he wishes he could do it everyday, he'll be excited once school starts I'm sure.... This weekend we're going over to my BF Kim's house for the superbowl so he can hang out with her boys. We're both getting out so it works for both goals!!

# 53 I'm in the process of reading two books, I can't seem to put the one I'm reading by Nicholas Sparks down....

# 55 These are the movies that we own that I've watched so far!! =)  These are all great movies, Miss March isn't one of my favorites but Ty told me it was good!
  1. Band of Brothers (2001)
  2. Changeling (2008)
  3. Eagle Eye (2008)
  4. Flash of Genius (2008)
  5. Iron Man (2008)
  6. Jumper (2008) 
  7. Miss March (2009) 
  8. Transformers (2007) 
  9. Wanted (2008)
# 63 Watch 100 new movies
  1. Year one
  2. Wanted
  3. Miss March
  4. Iron Man
  5. Casper Scare School
  6. Air Bud
71. Watch all the seasons of Gilmore Girls
I got one disc tonight I only have 23 more cd's to go through!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


19. Update my blog every day for two weeks (14/14) (Completed on 1/27/2010) - It's completed but I am hoping that I will get into the habit of writting in my blog every day! =)

In the Process

2. Finish Bubba’s blanket

3. Make a quilt for the boys (1/2) - I would like to go sometime within the next month and pick out some fabric for Bubba's quilt! =) I know he'd enjoy that!!

10. Read to Zayden every night for 2 months (6/60) - He loves The Spooky Old Tree by Dr. Seuss he has me read it too him every night. Ty is going to the library this weekend and get it checked out so he can read to him!! I know Z would like that alot!!!

12. Get bubba to meet kids his age to socialize - He is having the time of his life!!! =)

53. Read 35 Books (5/35) - Currently reading Secrets of the Morning!